Days of Awe
ROSH HASHANA - Reaching Upward, Inward and Outward
Monday morning, September 6 (labor Day)| 8:30 -10:00am
Which do you think is most important: Reaching upward to serve G‑d, reaching outward to help your fellow man, or reaching inward to know and nurture your authentic self? As we prepare for the New Year we will examine the interplay between the three foundational pillars of Judaism: Torah study, Divine worship, and acts of kindness, and see how they are reflected in the Rosh Hashana liturgy.
YOM KIPPUR: A 5 Step Program for Returning to Your True Self
Monday morning, September 13 | 9:30-11:00AM
Teshuva means more than repentance. It means returning. This class will focus on the special power of the day of Yom Kippur to help us return to our true selves. Learn the prayers of Yom Kippur are really, in fact, a 5 Step Program for Returning to Your True Self
Days of Joy
Monday morning, September 20 | 9:30 -11:00am
Described in the Torah as Zman Simchateinu, the Season of Our Joy, Sukkot is the happiest of all holidays. This class will explore the Chassidic approach to joy, focusing on practical ways to tap in the true and deep Happiness that comes with Sukkot, drawing in enough joy to last an entire year.
Simchat Torah - Reaching the Highest Peaks!
Monday morning, September 27| 9:30 -11:00am The climax of the entire month of holidays, Chassidic tradition has it that we can achieve more through the dancing on Simchat Torah than we can through the sincere prayers of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Join us for this discussion in the Sukkah as we continue to celebrate Sukkot, and prepare for Simchat Torah.