
Holiday Enrichment Classes

With Rabbi Yisrael Deren  

4 Tuesday Mornings, 9:30 -11:00am
Beginning September 3

At the Chabad Center, 770 High Ridge Road

RSVP: [email protected]

Rosh Hashanah - September 3
A Sword in the Bedroom
Holding Onto Moments of Clarity to Withstand Temptation
In this inspiring biblical account of character, courage and determination, Palti ben Layish, an unsung hero and King David's personal confidante, teaches us how we can develop our own characters to become who we know we should be.
Yom Kippur - September 10
Just One More Second Chance
Divine Compassion and the Nature of Forgiveness
Yom Kippur represents the idea that G‑d gives us a chance to start over. Judaism appreciates the value of incremental growth, realizing that man cannot become perfect overnight. This lesson explores the nature of divine forgiveness and when we should be forgiving of others.
Sukkot - September 17
The Pursuit of Happiness
Why Happiness Is So Elusive
What is happiness? We all want it, but tend to look for it in the wrong places. This lesson explores the quest for happiness and uncovers a clue to unlocking its secret from a bizarre Talmudic tale.
Simchas Torah Simchat Torah - September 24
(In the Sukkah)
An inspiring guide to the Chassidic tradition, that one can achieve more through the dancing on Simchat Torah than we can through the sincere prayers of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.